The staff of Ripplebrook Primary School welcome you and your child/ren to the 2025 school year.We are proud to offer you caring and conscientious staff with a ratio of 1 adult to 6 students. Our teachers and educational support staff plan and work closely together, having a shared responsibility for all students.
Learning in each classroom is differentiated and caters for the needs of each student. In line with these principles, our students are openly encouraged to realise their potential as learners and take responsibility for their own behaviour. Our following school values reflect expectations of all staff, students and parents/carers in our community.Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Resilient, Be Safe, Be an Active LearnerThese values are embedded within student management and instructional practice. We have a commitment to Child Safe Standards and believe that all students have a right to feel safe and be safe. All staff, volunteers and School Council members are required to observe child-safe principles and expectations for appropriate behaviour towards and in the company of our students. Our Student Engagement and Inclusion policy outlines Rights and Responsibilities and shared behaviour expectations which are clear, firm and fair for all.
Ripplebrook Primary School provides supportive but challenging learning opportunities aiming to continuously improve student outcomes in all areas. Our programs are specifically designed to respond to all students’ learning needs. Our school priorities are Literacy and Numeracy, with a focus on Student Engagement. We also offer the following as specialist subjects; Health and Physical Education, Visual Arts, Japanese and Library - Mobile Area Resource Centre (MARC) Van for all students.
Our school has recently begun a partnership with The Resilience Project to assist with student, staff and family wellbeing through the focus on Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness. We are a Lead School for Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships and understand that Learning and Wellbeing are closely linked. A School Chaplain is available part-time to assist with student and family discussions to enhance inclusion.
Our school motto is ‘Leaping Forward’ and we try to live that every day. We promote respect and inclusion as our key values and instil in our students the importance of these as they go about their daily lives and build their relationships. We look forward to a successful school year in 2025 for both you and your child/ren.
We look forward to your involvement in your child/ren’s education and encourage a positive partnership between home and school. This partnership will support your child/ren’s journey through primary education to ensure that it is enjoyable and rewarding.
Nigel Kilpatrick