Our school supports the Department of Education and Training “Every Day Counts” campaign and has set a school target of 95% attendance for students at every year level. This equates to no more than an average of 11 absence days in a school year per student.
Ripplebrook Primary School uses Compass, an electronic data management system, to monitor student attendance. In the case of a child/ren being absent from school, it is most important that the school is notified. Parents/Carers need to phone the school office (5627 6278) on the first day of your child/ren’s absence by 9.45am and continue to phone every day until they return to school. When students have not arrived at school and the school’s administration staff have not received written or verbal notification, an SMS notification will be sent out at 10:00am to parents/carers seeking explanations of their child’s absence. We kindly request that you phone the school ASAP in response to this message.
For medical appointments during the school day, we prefer notification in advance via a note sent to the school's main office. We would greatly appreciate, if possible, that routine appointments be made outside of school hours.
Prior to taking their child/ren on a family holiday, parents/carers are to notify the school. For students going on an extended (more than one week) family holiday, a Student Absence Learning Plan will be developed, with the expectation that the student completes the work while they are away.