Parents/Carers are requested to ensure their child/ren arrive on time to school each day. Lateness is upsetting for the child involved, unsettling for the teacher and the whole class, and instils negative habits for the child as they miss valuable learning time. The time before school starts is essential in the social development of your child. It provides a time to share stories and events with peers and the teacher that have occurred since their last meeting. This means that when a child goes into class they are settled ready to work. Students are encouraged to arrive at least 10 minutes before school commences (8.50am).
If lateness is unavoidable (after 9am), parents/carers must accompany their child/ren to the main office where their arrival will be entered onto Compass with a reason for the lateness. Each child will be given a late pass, which they give to the teacher upon entering their classroom.
It is preferable that all private appointments for students, including medical appointments, are made outside of school hours. If an appointment needs to be made within school hours, parents/carers need to report to the main office where the student’s early departure will be entered into Compass. Office Administration staff will then call your child/ren to the main office for collection. Parents/Carers are not to enter the classroom without prior permission from the Principal to collect their child/ren. A note in the student’s diary or a verbal/phone message will enable the student to be met at the school's main office at the prearranged time.